Private Organizations


7:00 AM - 4:00 PM



Private Organizations are self-sustaining special interest groups, set up by people acting exclusively outside the scope of any official capacity as officers, employees, or agents of the Federal Government. They operate on Air Force installations with the written consent of the installation commander.

What is the difference between a Private Organization and an unofficial activity?First, create a Constitution and By-laws (CBL). Then, complete the Insurance and Liability-Insurance Waivers and establish a bank account. Next, send CBL, IW, and LIW to Private Organization Monitor. Finally, conduct first meeting, elect officials, and complete all remaining documents. Completed forms can be sent to: 27th SOFSS/NAF Accounting Office

How do I start a new PO?If current assets exceed a monthly average of $1,000 over a three month period, the organization must become a PO.

What is considered a fundraiser and how often can one be held?A fundraiser is any exchange of funds for an event on or off base. Fundraisers are limited to 3 per calendar quarter.

How do I plan for a successful fundraiser?To ensure fundraisers are approved in a timely manner, units must submit and route packages correctly at least 30 days prior to event. This will allow ample time for adjustments and advertisement. Advertisement for the fundraiser is prohibited until the request is formally approved; government email advertisement is specifically prohibited. The package must include a legal fundraiser checklist and a Fundraiser Request Form. It is imperative that packages be completed electronically by an elected officer and forwarded to the Private Organization Monitor. Completed forms can be sent to: 27th SOFSS/NAF Accounting Office. The PO/UA monitor will validate that required documents are current and begin the routing process.

Are there fundraisers that are not allowed?  If so, what are they?Yes, there are certain fundraisers that are not allowed. The following is prohibited:

- Fundraisers conducted in uniform

- Fundraisers conducted by military or civilians during duty time

- Utilizing government equipment or supplies for the production, planning or promoting of the fundraiser

- Fundraisers that are gambling related such as raffles, games of changes, or lotteries

- Fundraisers that include the sell of alcoholic beverages

- Fundraisers that duplicate MWRF or AAFES services

Is there a governing AFI & where can it be found?Yes, the Private Organization program is governed by AFI 34-223.  It is recommended that you read and understand the AFI 34-223.

Can my PO/UA use the Marketing & Commercial Sponsorship Department to promote or acquire sponsorship for a fundraiser?No, the PO Guide and the Marketing and Commercial Sponsorship AFI-34-108 strictly prohibit the use of the 27 SOFSS Marketing and Commercial Office to advertise or seek sponsorship funds for PO fundraiser events.

Key Points- Fundraisers cannot be conducted during the annual CFC or AFAF seasons.

- AFAF Campaign, 6-weeks, usually 15 Mar - 30 Apr

- CFC Campaign, 8-weeks, usually 15 Oct - 15 Dec

Fundraisers are limited to three per quarter--applies to both on base and off base events.

PO/UA may not use government computer systems and equipment to give notice of the event.

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